For Immediate Release

Contact: Matt Lehrich, Marie Aberger


Unpacking the Supreme Court is critical to
safeguarding democracy 

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 11, 2020) —A powerful coalition of progressive groups released a new letter today calling for adding seats to the Supreme Court to safeguard democracy. The diverse array of signers highlights the way the stolen, partisan Supreme Court impedes progress on a wide range of critical issues — from the environment and healthcare, to police violence and voter suppression. 

In the letter, the groups write, “The fastest, most effective way to reverse the Republican theft of the Supreme Court and make the court representative of all Americans is to enact legislation increasing the size of the Court.”

Aaron Belkin, Executive Director, Take Back the Court said, "Now more than ever, we need a Supreme Court that is representative of the American public and protects our most basic rights. Instead, the current partisan, conservative majority routinely prioritizes the powerful over the powerless, white people over people of color, and Donald Trump’s Republican Party over the rule of law. But we do not have to remain at the mercy of this bloc of ideological extremists — we can take back the Court and restore its integrity and independence."

Stephanie Taylor, Co-Founder, Progressive Change Institute said, "The Supreme Court will soon decide many issues important to progressives, including existential questions about our democracy and rule of law as we aim to survive through and dig out from the Trump destruction. We need a Supreme Court that's trusted, operates in good faith, and is in touch with the times — and that's why we need to explore fundamental reforms ranging from the size of the court to term limits for Justices." 

Brian Fallon, Executive Director, Demand Justice, said, “The stolen Supreme Court is an existential threat to our democracy, civil rights, and any major progressive change that will be enacted by a Biden administration. Comprehensive Court reform is the only way to repair the enormous damage done by the Trump-McConnell hijacking of the Supreme Court." 

Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, North America Director, 350 Action said, “With issues of climate at the forefront we wholeheartedly support the call to action in the judiciary and the opportunity to restore the balance of power for a healthy democracy. As executive power has creeped beyond its mandate we are counting on bold action for the sake of people and planet.”

Erich Pica, President, Friends of the Earth, said, “Trump and the Republicans in Congress have used aggressive tactics, including eliminating the filibuster, to pack the courts with conservative ideologues and prevent the will of the people from being heard. From the fight for racial justice to efforts to stop climate change and protect our clean air and water, the current configuration of the Court has consistently stood in the way of progress. We simply do not have a generation’s worth of time to replace judges. Congress has the power to reform the Supreme Court by adding additional seats and filling them with justices who will protect our democracy, not further entrench a disastrous status quo.”

Varshini Prakash, co-founder, Sunrise Movement, said, “We can’t take the scale of action necessary to save our planet from the ravages of climate change and secure a Green New Deal for Americans with an anti-environment, pro-corporate court. It’s time to return the balance of the court to the people, and one of the quickest and most straightforward ways to do that is to increase the size of the court.”

The list of signers calling for court expansion includes:

View the full letter HERE.

About Take Back the Court

The Supreme Court has broken democracy by dismantling the Voting Rights Act, allowing dark money to flood our politics, and approving partisan gerrymandering. The mission of Take Back the Court is to prevent the Court from striking down new laws designed to restore democracy.

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